Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank you Dr. King

I have been mulling this post over in my head for several days now. Still not sure I can accurately portray my feelings on this subject, but let me try.

Dr. King. I call him this out of respect. Somehow calling him Martin Luther King, Jr. seems to portray him as a common man. He is not. In my opinion. A common man. He is a King among men. A man who stood up, when everyone around him was pushing him down. A man who spoke out when so many tried to silence him. Many were listening. He effected change in our world, in our way of thinking, in our way of doing. He was, in my opinion, God's messenger. I am today so very thankful to live in a world where you are not judged by the color of your skin, but by the strength of your heart. True, racism still exists. It will always exist. It is passed from father to son, like a disease. But, the good and faithful people of the world have erradicated it from our lives. Today when I look into the face of my beautiful son I am indebted to Dr. King. Thank you Dr. King that my son may have a life where racism doesn't effect him. Where I don't have to fear for his safety just because his skin is brown.

I too have a dream.

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