Sunday, March 4, 2012

Home Alone Again

So, apparently my attempt to blog more frequently was a pipe dream. Seems as though my life is spinning out of control. This morning I placed my foot on the ground for a moment to stop spinning long enough to post.

T is gone again. If I never mentioned it before, he a bit of a jack of all trades. A teacher by profession. A consultant extraordinare by nature. He works for Texas Instruments and has for the better part of 20 years. He teaches for them, writes for them, works in development, and at one point worked in the marketing side of things. All education related, of course. Currently he is one of three teachers working in India on their science curriculum. Through TI he became involved with NASA and has written curriculum based on the International Space Station. Last month he and a team flew on the Zero G flight with NASA. In short, he is phenomenal. I am very proud of him. Each spring he travels to the various conferences around the country. This past week he is in Chicago at TI's Teachers Teaching Technology International Conference. He was presented a very prestigious award - Leadership in Teaching Award for Science. Strangely enough, Mayim Bialik (Big Bang Theory, Blossom, etc.) was just named the spokesperson for TI's NSpire....which happens to be Todd's little gadget. So, he got to meet her. Funny really, as she is currently my favorite character on TV. She plays Amy Farrah Fowler, a Ph.D. in Neurobiology, and Sheldon Cooper's girlfriend. He is brilliant in the role. Love, love, love her. Oddly enough she truly is a science nerd. In real life Mayim holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience.

So, I am home again with the little G's. I believe this is our 5th weekend alone. Frankly, I am tired of single parenting. I want my hubby home. I want to run away and be alone for five minutes. I dream of a date night. I know the kids miss their daddy.

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