Friday, April 20, 2012

Still Laughing....

Greer:  Daddy, I am gonna ask you for a nacho. 
Greer:  Daddy, can I have a nacho?
Dad:  No.
Greer:  Daddy, I am gonna ask you for a nacho, again.
Greer: (very slowly)  Daddy, can I have a nacho?
Dad:  Um, still no.

Little Dude is a riot.  He truly is very, very funny.  At the moment everything that comes out of his mouth is followed by "...isn't that right Mama?"  He is also very polite which is a pat on the back for Terri, cuz he surely didn't learn manners from his Mama.  Little Dude is also loud.  He talks in a very loud, almost high pitched voice.  Sweet, perhaps.  But, since he talks incessantly, the sweetness soon morphs into something like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.  I have attempted to have him bring the volume down a bit by instructing him to use his inside voice.  It works for all of a couple seconds and then the octaves climb.  I have also told him that we need quiet time and he is not to talk at all.  That doesn't last more than a second, if that.  I have joked that he is only quiet when he is asleep.  Now, Little Dude repeats that but it sounds something like " I only quiet when I asleep...isn't that right Mama?"  Funny Little Dude.

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